

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Holy cow it's been awhile! I really want to keep up with my blog, but as I get further into my 3rd trimester, life just gets more & more crazy. And any waking moment we're not super busy, I'm falling asleep in my bowl of cereal (Lucky Charms to be exact). However, I REFUSE to give up on my blog just yet, so here is a super shortened preview of what us Wilson's have been up to the past month!

We went to a wedding where we got to watch one of our best friends marry the girl of his dreams. Friends, dancing & Taco Bell...I felt like I was 21 again! (Okay, not really...I was ready to go to sleep by 10pm, but I powered through!)

We celebrated the 4th of July with some sparklers, neighbor friends & red and blue sherbet (YUM!).

Gavin got sick with some sort of virus where his only symptom was a high fever for 4 days. Lots of rest & snuggles from this one!

Baby Finn is growing like crazy & constantly trying to kick his way out. Only 6-7(ish) more weeks to go!

Southern Indiana has been relocated to the Amazon Rainforest & for a month straight it seems like all it has done is rain & storm. Good thing I like storms!

Gavin has become very aware of my ever-growing baby belly and likes to pat it and say "eeeeeeeeeasy!" ....and in case you couldn't guess, he learned that from the stupid amount of times he would come over and wham right on his baby brother. ;)

Dustin & I had a much needed date night to Louisville's Homearama...where we saw all kinds of homes that were SO beautiful, but we could never afford. It was a little too much walking in the humid heat for this preggo & my feet & hands were swollen sausages afterwards. Pregnant in the summer is definitely a new experience for me!

We tried yet again to cut out Gavin's morning nap, but then he tries to climb in by himself and asks to go 'nigh-nigh' and I just can't say no.

There has been a LOT of this the past week or so. He is cutting FOUR molars and TWO baby teeth. DEAR LORD make the teeth stop! If you look closely, you can see molar #3 making it's wonderful debut. And the molar on the other side had a lovely teething blood times, I tell ya.

I started the fun task of organizing boy clothes! It took me about a week, but I have Finn's closet & dresser full, the older boys' clothes are all sorted, the totes are organized by season and the rest is in piles ready to be sold in next month's consignment sale. If this organization doesn't make a nesting preggo happy, I don't know what will!

And then.....THIS happened. I didn't want to do it, but his hair was getting so gross & sweaty because of the summer heat, I decided the curls needed to go. Insert sad, hormonal, crying face.

Before & after! 
And no, his hair didn't change colors with the new haircut, this just shows how different his hair looks in different types of lighting. He is still just as ginger as ever. ;)

We've been swimming with Mimi & eaten watermelons with Papa Joe...

And everyone's favorite...Jeep rides for ice cream!

The diaper bag is all ready for baby, which just leaves a handful of things left on the "THINGS TO DO BEFORE BABY" list.

And last but certainly not least, I've tried to catch up on as much snuggles with the boys as I can. The laundry, floor mopping & gross toilets aren't going anywhere, but one-on-one time with each boy is most definitely numbered!

So there's your brief catch-up! I'm really going to try to do better with the blogging, but these tiny humans like to keep me nice & busy! 

And lastly, any prayers or well-wishes you have for me the next couple days will be greatly welcomed! We are leaving the boys behind for a long weekend in Texas to visit our friends. FIRST...I am so anxious about leaving Gavin. I know he'll be in good hands, but he isn't exactly the easiest baby on the block, plus it breaks my heart that he might miss us or wonder where we are.

 SECOND...I have a major phobia of flying. MAJOR. The doctor usually has me on a pretty strong anxiety medication during my flights, but obviously being pregnant, she could only prescribe me a lower dose medicine, but I still hate the thought of putting something in my body that could possibly affect Finn, too. However, having a full blown anxiety attack while 34 weeks pregnant probably isn't good for the baby either. 

Regardless, everything will be OKAY, the boys will have a blast with their grandmas & Dustin and I will get a much needed vacation before numero 3 arrives. At least this is what I keep telling myself....

Thanks for reading & Happy Tuesday!

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