We started our morning bright & early to take the oldest to preschool. Once again, dropped his bag off, hugged me good-bye & he's off with his friends! He's so big. Just yesterday he put himself down for a nap while I was putting Gavin down for his. I came out of the nursery and Christian's door was shut. I opened it & he's passed out! Curtains closed, noise machine on, lights off. Seriously? Teach this kid how to make himself meals & he doesn't even need a parent anymore! After we dropped Christian off, Gavin & I decided we needed donuts! We have the yummiest little donut shop in between Christian's school & home...how
convenient horrible & awful for my diet. ;)
We have a donut thief on our hands!
I attempted to finish some laundry and when I came out of the boys' room, someone had disappeared on me! He's my little roly-poly, that's for sure!
Uhh, where's the baby?!?
There he is! ;)
I laid him down for his morning nap & FINALLY showered! No 3-year-old staring me down while I speed wash as fast as I can so that he doesn't play escape artist or try to "play" with Gavin...in case you cannot tell, showers are becoming increasingly more difficult. I have NO clue what I'm going to do once Gavin is mobile! I then had to wake lazy bones up so that we could leave to pick up his brother...so sleepy!
What car ride home from school would be complete without a dance party to Christian's current favorite song...Paramore's 'Ain't It Fun?'...he knows all the words and gets crazy excited when it comes on.
Now, as I sit here eating lunch, watching Grey's Anatomy (bomb guy just got blown up!) and trying to come up with a catchy blog title, I can't help but enjoy every.single.second of my quiet time. With two boys, quiet is RARE in this house. And don't get me wrong-I love every second of being a mom, but being a mom also means I get to enjoy the rarity that is quiet! With that said, I had two very real "mom moments" today.
The first was an overwhelming feeling of joy as I picked Christian up from pre-school. As soon as he saw me in his classroom door, he ran as fast as his little feet could go, screamed, "mommy!" and threw his arms around me. My heart could have melted out of my chest. It got me thinking that these boys will never know how much they are loved by their mommy. Sure, they'll eventually have kids (or at least they better!), and they will finally understand how much their daddy loves them. But they'll never know the feeling of carrying life inside of their bodies, feeling them kick & squirm against your bladder & ribs, & eventually give birth to this tiny little being. They'll never know how at that exact moment, your entire life complete shifts, and as you hold them for the first time on your chest, life has taken on a completely new meaning. It's a heart shattering feeling that only a mom of a boy can understand...no matter what, those boys can never know the depth of my love for them. If I'm ever blessed with a girl, she will learn one day...but not these sweet boys.
So that was one of my "mom moments." And as I was holding back tears driving to Target, I thought to myself...no, they might not ever truly know, but I will make it my life's mission to show them.
That leads us to the other "mom moment." The moment of pure embarrassment because your toddler has a very simple, innocent mind...and generally says whatever he is thinking. As we are checking out, a very nice African American woman was our cashier. And Christian has recently become aware that we are not all the same skin color, height, weight, etc. So I knew it. I knew it was coming. First he pointed at her and said, "Momma! Look at her!" I knew what was next. I tried to distract him. "Yes, Christian, she's checking our stuff out. Isn't that so nice of her?? She's putting your COOL NEW shirt in the bag!" "Look at her, momma, she's BLACK!" ...as loud as his innocent little voice could carry. *Insert me wanting to crawl under a rock and hide.* The lady looked at him and responded with a nice, simple, "Yes, I am!" But she was embarrassed. I was embarrassed. I apologized and gave a simple, "Oh, leave it to kids!"
We thanked her for our stuff, and I darted out of there as quickly as I could before he could say it again. Which he did as soon as we left the store. "Mom! She was black!" "Yes, Christian, some people have darker skin color than ours. Look at that bird!" I wanted to compose myself and try to figure out the best way to handle the situation before going on. The way I looked at it, I could either A) Ignore it and hope he doesn't say it again. or B) Try to explain to his innocent little mind why we shouldn't say that. If he were younger, I would probably go with option A. But he is pretty mature for his age, and I wanted to explain to him why he shouldn't say things like that. So I did-as much as I could to a three year old who just wanted to go get his "chick-a-fway." I told him that people come in all different colors, shapes & sizes, and we shouldn't say what that color, shape & size is. We should just say 'hi!' to people and not comment on their looks. He said, "Okay mommy. I won't. Can we eat fruit & chicken now?" Hmm. We'll see how that goes. He's so observant though, I'm getting afraid to take him in public! Just last week there was a larger woman behind us at the grocery and he said to me quietly (thank the Lord), "Mommy! She's big like a giant!" *face palm* So how do you other mommies deal with your toddlers & kids becoming very observant of people's differences? Any other embarrassing stories out there?
So there are my two "mommy moments" of the day. I'm sure they won't be the only ones, as life is never dull with a 3-year-old!
So aside from the embarrassing moment at Target, today is good...the boys are napping, I am showered AND have my hair fixed (yes, husband, I actually look like a human being today instead of a troll...you're welcome!), I got my new baby carrier in the mail today (separate blog later) and it's Big Brother eviction night! The husband and I are OBSESSED with Big Brother. Definitely our #1 guilty pleasure right now.
Thanks for reading & Happy Thursday!