

Monday, January 26, 2015

Whoa, Baby...number 3!

The Wilson family will be expanding...again...come September. Crazy, right?! I've already had a million questions, and I'm sure I'll have a million more, so hopefully I can clear up some of the curiosity! 

The first and most popular question we get...

"Sooooo...was this planned? Were you trying?"

NO. Heck no. We were most definitely NOT planning this one. I mean, yes, we've always said we want a big family, but we were planning a little more space in between them. But low and behold, here I am, 8 weeks pregnant! We actually found out on Christmas Eve and kept it a secret from everyone until I had a few blood tests to confirm my rising HCG levels.  I still can't wrap my mind around the 18 months of negative pregnancy tests, fertility drugs, procedures and doctor appointments to get pregnant with Gavin, and BOOM! NOT trying at all and here I am, pregnant again. God works in mysterious ways! :)

Once we were sure that I was pregnant...AKA once it started to actually sink in..we slowly started to tell our family. Christian was so excited, and immediately starting asking for a sister...which leads me to the next question I keep getting. 

"Are you hoping for a girl this time?"

This is a tough one to answer. I would be lying if I said I didn't want a little mini-me with bows and frills and pearls, but I also love these crazy little boys with my entire being. I love being a boy mom...well, except when they pee everywhere. And they do. A lot. But that's my life and I'm perfectly in love with it. So would I love a girl? Of course. Would I be disappointed with another boy? Heck no. And this leads me to the next question I get a lot...

"Is this it? Are you going to have more?"

WHOA guys. Let me just have this third one and see where life takes us!! ;) But really, we've always said we'll try until we have a girl, or we'll stop at four. Four is our magic number...NO more than that. But that's our plan for right now, and it can always change!
And the last personal favorite...

"Can you handle this? Are you ready for this? You realize these things cost money right?"

Nope. I can't handle it. Not ready. Commit me now. THEY COST MONEY? I had no clue! 
<Please note the sarcasm>
Yes, I realize life is about to get crazy. Chaotic. Expensive. But most of all, life is about to be even more amazing. I love having kids. It's what I was meant to do. I never knew what I wanted to do in life. I went to college for 3 years and changed my major 4 times. Nothing interested me. And then I became a mom. THIS is my job. THIS is my career. And although there are days when I completely want to run away from home crying and screaming...I have this amazing capability to step back and realize how truly blessed I am to be doing the best job on earth. So YES, I can handle it. YES, I am ready for this. And duh, I know these things cost money. I know that eventually we'll be paying for schools and cars and weddings, but I've never once met a parent of multiples that said, "Man. These kids of mine cost me so much money over the years and life was so chaotic. I wish I only would have had one or two." I have however met a dozen parents that have told me, "If I had it to do all over again, I would have had more kids. Sure, it's chaos when they're little, but those days are gone so fast and now I wish I would have had more." 
So, here we are, having more!

So now that I've cleared up all of the lingering thoughts that might be going through your to the fun stuff!

Like I said earlier, I am 8 weeks pregnant. I probably won't be doing the weekly chalkboard updates this time, as I just don't have time. Plus, I feel like I just finished doing them from the last pregnancy. I will most likely do a monthly pregnancy update.

At 6 weeks+5 days, we had an ultrasound to confirm the due date and make sure peanut#3 had a heartbeat. My due date is officially September 5th and little one's heart rate was 132 (for those wondering, Gavin's at 6 weeks was 120).

At 7 weeks, I snagged these adorable little t-shirts from Etsy and attempted to take announcement photos...of course Gavin was impossible to photograph (again) & Christian got tired of trying to hold him up. These were the best we could get!

And finally, my 8 week bump in all of it's glory. I was actually at my lowest weight since my wedding day when I found out I was pregnant, but my stomach poked right out at 6 weeks. Back to maternity clothes I go! We were actually planning on announcing this pregnancy on Valentine's Day...hence the cute little hearts in the next picture, but trying to hide my bump the last 2 weeks was long enough! Every trip to Target was accompanied with worry that we would run into someone we knew.

On Saturday, at our girl's Christmas party, I was finally able to spill the beans. Dustin took our group photo and said, "Okay, everyone smile and say Bethany's pregnant!" I loved getting their reactions on camera...Jennifer wins best surprised face!

So that's the big news over here in Wilson land. I've been feeling pretty nauseous the past couple weeks, but luckily not too tired...which is a great thing considering I have a baby and toddler that rely on me all day long. Dustin has been a complete saint here lately when I all I want to do is lay on the couch. Seriously, I am one blessed wife and momma. 

Lastly, thank you EVERYONE for all of the well wishes and support! All your kind words are very much appreciated! It's going to be a fun, crazy summer, that's for sure!

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